My name is Fred Ferguson. 
Hello & Welcome!*Fred%20Ferguson%20MTP*jpg?alt=media&token=2266fd2d-431e-4e2e-ae81-e5c109c7ee32
I don't know how you found me but if making money online interests you I can probably help you out with that.
First, though I want to tell you my story so you can get to know a bit about who you're talking to.*Ferguson's%20BA%20Gas%20Station%20-%20%20Growing%20Up%20in%20the%201950s*png?alt=media&token=68404fe4-b727-47dc-b463-e9112b8cd28f

I grew up in a gas station serving people and learning how to make deals.

I know about hard times...

I Learned Real Early in Life there's No Such Thing As Money For Nothing!

Some facts of life...

Most people are opinionated and Lazy!
Folks often think they're Smart when they're Not!
If you do nothing... you'll end up getting nothing!
If you want cash... Sell something that you own!
If you've got nothing find something Free then Sell it.
Restore things that people don't want and sell them.

Learn how to love hustle!

I've been making self-employment income in one form or another since I was 9 years old working in my family business and even now in retirement, I'm a full-time deal maker. 

I'm a 71-year-old Island Lifestyle Marketer who figured out how to crush the shiny object syndrome and make good money from home in my sweats... performing simple cut & paste tasks with my Lenovo Legion i5 Laptop computer and an internet connection.

I only work at what I want to do, I only work when I want to, and I only work for whomever, I feel like working for.

1: I'm not into high-priced coaching.
2: I won't lie to anybody for money.
3: I won't work for a liar or a thief.
4: I don't chase people for money.
5: I don't help people who won't work.

After having said all of that...

for honest, ethical, well-meaning people who are willing to work without whining or complaining there is nothing I won't do, no stone, I will leave unturned to help them.
From what you've seen and read here so far... 

If you think I might have something of value that you need to reach your goals... connect with me by joining my email list and see how that goes.

Fair enough?

Join my list...

Ultimately What Do You Want?

Feel better about what you do for a living?
Make more money for what you do?
Feel more respected in your work?
Fire your boss to work for yourself from home?
Learn how to generate job-replacing income?
Learn how to make money to subsidize your income?
Learn how to create digital products to sell online?
Learn how to provide marketing services for fees?

What Have You Done?

Take a few minutes now while you're here to create a little timeline with a lined pad that maps out what you have done thus far to make money online.

I point of this exercise is not perfection it's just to create a quick overview of your life from about 39,000 feet detailing just the highlights that you can recall.

You probably don't know but try to put a wild guess on how much money you have plowed into your dream of self-employed financial independence.

Note: If you actually do this exercise you'll be in the 1% of people whose chances are good that they will succeed in the make-money-online thing.

Why Didn't It Work?

After breaking down your activities over the time period you were trying to make a living online try to come to some conclusions as to why it didn't work.

Here's where most people come up with their best excuses and alibies to justify not succeeding.

Note: If you can't see that you were 100% the #1 reason that you failed, you will without doubt continue to fail miserably in the make-money-online thing.

Want Some Help?

That was a really dumb question. The truth is everybody wants somebody to carry their water for them all day every day and all year long.

The real question is what are you willing to do to be worthy of getting the help that you seek?

Note: If you have continually failed but can see why that happened... and are willing to change it, you've got a shot at killing it in this make-money-online thing.

Ready To Change?

Now that was a kick in the pants wasn't it... and I bet you were sitting there waiting with bated breath to find out what I was going to be doing for you.

The reality is I'm already doing what I need to be doing it's you who has the follow-through problem here.

So, are you ready to take that inventory you did of your past behaviors here and redo your claim to internet marketer fame?

It's your move!

GeezerWise Reasoning: If you keep doing what you've always done in this make-money-online thing you're going to keep getting what you always got.

The questions now are is that good enough and can you change it?

Time will tell!

I come recommended...
Kevin Fahey - Software Developer, Trainer, Marketer
Brett Rutecky - Software Developer, Trainer, Marketer
Gareth Dane - SEO Agency, SEO Trainer, Marketer*FredFerguson*com%20Testimonial*jpg?alt=media&token=3cdfc201-853f-49f8-94c5-74f808192860

Learn - Take Action - [become an out-of-the-box thinker] - Level up your Marketing Skills... with Fred Ferguson the Island Lifestyle Marketer. 

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